Friday, July 13, 2007

How to Tagging in My Blog Log?

This A Blog About Money Online community, really impress me of how it attract a lots of people to join. Currently there are 2807 of My Blog Log members already join this community. How it become a magnet among other hundreds of blog promotion blogs? I try to remember how I found this community at the first place. It is his large tag word cloud, that's it!

How his tag get so big among other other's is still a question. My guess the author Alex Bamo really know how to play with tag. The tag itself "A BLoG ABoUT MoNEY oNLINE" is alluring, and straight-to-the-point for anyone because who don't want to make money online?. The words as well in mixed of messy big and small letters.

This community as well got 50 tags. Wosh!

With these tags, the community get even wider exposure than others, and become more popular. I already implement these technique to my Cerekarama and Tested Blog Marketing Community (will update the outcome of this effort on this post).

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